Silver Salmon in Alaska

Off the beaten track creeks and small rivers in Alaska offers amazing fly fishing for fresh silver salmon. These locations can only be reached by private light aircraft. The fishing is as exclusive as it gets. An 8 weight single handed rod and floating line will give you incredible action. With such a rich environment even the Coastal Brown Bears here are friendly!

Salmon and Bears on Kodiak Island Alaska

Kodiak Island Alaska
Enjoyed a great film shoot with Mike Cornall and David Brady fishing some prime Coho Salmon streams. Levels very low and runs lower than last year but still good sport with over 100 salmon caught and released on the fly in 6 days between 2 anglers who enjoyed their first salmon trip.
The Kodiak Brown Bears were most accommodating too, and friendly.

Kodiak Alaska

Kodiak Island Alaska is home to the finest fly fishing for big, fit, fresh run Coho Salmon. They are aggressive “takers” and will readily hit surface poppers in addition to clouser patterns. The wildlife is as exciting as the fishing.

Both Sam’s and Dick’s Camps provide comfortable, basic accommodation with excellent food, amazing wildlife and the best fly fishing for salmon on earth. Rods are limited and Dick’s Camp is fly only with only 12 rods per year!. Big runs of fresh Coho on every tide in September. We are talking quantity and quality with Coho reaching 20 pounds and as bright silver and fresh as it gets.

Exclusive to

Tel 01246 221717. Martin J Founds.


Fantastic wildlife viewing and amazing fly and lure fishing in remote rivers. Alaska is the true last frontier with lodges ranging from luxury to basic.  Fly out trips guarantee an exclusive experience and the best fishing imaginable. Truly world class for salmon, char and trout. Expert or novice you are guaranteed to catch.

View our two prime fly out lodge/camps at Silver Salmon Creek Lodge and Rohrer Bear Camp.BLOGIMG_7147 BLOGIMG_7252 BLOGIMG_7268 BLOGIMG_7272 BLOGIMG_5779